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Department 1

Cinema & Media Studies


In recent years, China has engaged in infrastructure projects on a scale and scope without historical precedent. Cinema in China is no exception. For roughly a century Hollywood has managed to dominate the world largely through the control of the largest exhibition market in the developed world, meaning the USA and Canada. Just a couple years ago, however, the Chinese exhibition sector surpassed North America as the world’s largest linguistically unified and developed film exhibition market. Find out why screenwriting classes in the USA now include courses on how to write for the Chinese market. Find out why even you may have unknowingly set foot in a Chinese-owned theater. Find out what are the implications of all this not only for world cinema, including Hollywood, but also for the world’s economic and political future.


Presentation given at the Friday Forum on September 28th, 2018. The Friday Forum is a series of lectures given by members of the Gettysburg College community on their personal scholarly research, creative activities, or professional or curricular development activities.