Molly A. Chason '17, Gettysburg College
Leah R. Falk '18, Gettysburg College
Shannon N. Gross '17, Gettysburg College
Bailey R. Harper '19, Gettysburg College
Laura G. Waters '19, Gettysburg College
Under the Direction Of:
Yan Sun, Gettysburg College
Edited By:
Yan Sun, Gettysburg College
Shannon Egan, Gettysburg College
Molly Reynolds, Gettysburg College
Carolyn Sautter, Gettysburg College
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Document Type
Art Catalog
Methods of Nature: Landscapes from the Gettysburg College Collection is the third annual exhibition curated by students enrolled in the Art History Methods course. The exhibition is an exciting academic endeavor and incredible opportunity for engaged learning, research, and curatorial experience. The five student curators are Molly Chason ’17, Leah Falk ’18, Shannon Gross ’17, Bailey Harper ’19 and Laura Waters ’19. The selection of artworks in this exhibition includes the depiction of landscape in the nineteenth- and twentieth-century French, American and East Asian cultural traditions in various art forms from traditional media of paintings and prints to utilitarian artifacts of porcelain and a paper folding fan. Landscape paintings in this exhibition are inspired by nature, specific locales and literature. Each object carries a distinctive characteristic, a mood, and an ambience. Collectively, they present a multifaceted view of the landscape in the heart and mind of the artists and intended viewers. [excerpt]
Publication Date
Fall 2016
Schmucker Art Gallery, Gettysburg College
Gettysburg, PA
Landscape, Nature, Material Culture, William Mason Brown, George Leo Frankenstein, Kasamatsu Shiro, Stephen Etnier
Department 1
Recommended Citation
Chason, Molly A.; Falk, Leah R.; Gross, Shannon N.; Harper, Bailey R.; Waters, Laura G.; and Sun, Yan, "Methods of Nature: Landscapes from the Gettysburg College Collection" (2016). Schmucker Art Catalogs. 21.

Included in
Art and Design Commons, Fine Arts Commons, History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology Commons
Methods of Nature: Landscape from the Gettysburg College Collection was on exhibition at the Schmucker Art Gallery at Gettysburg College, November 4 - December 9, 2016.