Class Year


Document Type

Student Research Paper

Publication Date


Department 1

Conservatory of Music


While in the village of Banjar Wani I had the opportunity to meet Kedek and his father Pak Sura. They took me into their home and showed me what an average Balinese house for someone in the Sudra caste looks like. The Sudra is considered to be the lowest classification in the Hindu Caste system. People classified as a Sudra are typically farmers and Pak Sura owns a rice patty. I asked Kedek to show me into his house and below is a drawing of an overview of the house. Kedek walked me into the house through the gate that is used to keep evil spirits away. Every Balinese person has a gate in front of their home that is meant to protect the family. [excerpt]


This piece is part of the Bali Soundscapes collection, which features photographs, audio essays, and written essays by Gettysburg College students who took the Language, Culture, & Immigration in Bali course during the summer of 2013. See for more.