Panel Presentations
Event Title
Musical and Linguistic Negotiations in a Cross-Cultural Music Learning Context
Alice C. Broadway '14, Gettysburg College
Breidenbaugh Hall 205
Mellon Summer 2013 Scholars
Start Time
5-3-2014 10:30 AM
End Time
5-3-2014 11:45 AM
Supervising Faculty Member
Brent Talbot
Conservatory of Music
This research examined how meaning is constructed in three cross-cultural learning environments involving gamelan music in Bali, Indonesia. Data was collected through rehearsal recordings and semi-structured interviews with American and Balinese participants. Results showed change in discourse surrounding transmission, where learning shifted from a focus on needs and meaning-making of the individual towards that of the group. Findings indicated that linguistic, cultural, and musical repertoires employed do not maintain their shape, form, and function when placed in new contexts. However, their new shapes, forms, and functions were found to assist and support the process of transmission and music-making within each context.
Document Type
Musical and Linguistic Negotiations in a Cross-Cultural Music Learning Context
Breidenbaugh Hall 205
This research examined how meaning is constructed in three cross-cultural learning environments involving gamelan music in Bali, Indonesia. Data was collected through rehearsal recordings and semi-structured interviews with American and Balinese participants. Results showed change in discourse surrounding transmission, where learning shifted from a focus on needs and meaning-making of the individual towards that of the group. Findings indicated that linguistic, cultural, and musical repertoires employed do not maintain their shape, form, and function when placed in new contexts. However, their new shapes, forms, and functions were found to assist and support the process of transmission and music-making within each context.