Los hombres de las montañas: representaciones de la masculinidad sandinista en los campos militares (The Men of the Mountain: Representations of Sandinista Masculinity in Military Camps)
Spanish Senior Capstone
This paper explores how the Sandinista regime used the mountain as a space to develop a new male code of masculinity--one that emphasizes the capacity to survive and change in a relation to the mountain, and that underscores the importance of respect, sincerity, and brotherhood.
Los hombres de las montañas: representaciones de la masculinidad sandinista en los campos militares (The Men of the Mountain: Representations of Sandinista Masculinity in Military Camps)
Glatfelter 101
This paper explores how the Sandinista regime used the mountain as a space to develop a new male code of masculinity--one that emphasizes the capacity to survive and change in a relation to the mountain, and that underscores the importance of respect, sincerity, and brotherhood.