Breaking the Link between Provocation and Aggression: The Role of Mitigating Information

Stephen L. Tesoro, Gettysburg College
Samantha M. Grom, Gettysburg College
Madelaine C. Trotter, Gettysburg College


The purpose of the experiment was to examine how mitigating information and provocations alter aggressive behaviors. The current experiment examined how mitigating information, delivered after a provocation, can be used to reduce aggression.

Apr 29th, 4:30 PM Apr 29th, 6:15 PM

Breaking the Link between Provocation and Aggression: The Role of Mitigating Information

CUB Ballroom

The purpose of the experiment was to examine how mitigating information and provocations alter aggressive behaviors. The current experiment examined how mitigating information, delivered after a provocation, can be used to reduce aggression.