Fracking in Pennsylvania: A Spatial Review of Impacts on the Soundshed, Viewshed, and Land Cover

Kelly A. Collins, Gettysburg College

Environmental Studies Senior Honors Thesis

This poster was presented at the 2016 American Association of Geographers' Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA, March 29 - April 2, 2016.

The thesis associated with this poster presentation is available here.


How does fracking in Pennsylvania impact state resources, the viewshed, and the soundshed?

Apr 29th, 4:30 PM Apr 29th, 6:15 PM

Fracking in Pennsylvania: A Spatial Review of Impacts on the Soundshed, Viewshed, and Land Cover

CUB Ballroom

How does fracking in Pennsylvania impact state resources, the viewshed, and the soundshed?