Java Resources for Teaching Reinforcement Learning
Christopher J. La Pilla: Class of 2004
Michael D. Schompert: Class of 2003
Document Type
Conference Material
Publication Date
Department 1
Computer Science
In this paper we present a library of classes for programming reinforcement learning simulations in Java. This library is based upon the standard by Sutton and Santamaria, with valuable additions to simplify the implementation of the software for selected temporal-difference control algorithms and various memory models. We also present arguments for the integration of this library into the curriculum of a Java-based undergraduate course in Artificial Intelligence.
Recommended Citation
Kerr, Amy J. "Java Resources for Teaching Reinforcement Learning," H. R. Arabnia and Y. Mun, eds. Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA ’03), Las Vegas, Nevada, June 23-26, 2003, pp. 1497-1501, Computer Science Research, Education, & Applications (CSREA) Press, Las Vegas, 2003.