The Unturned Corners of the Battle of Gettysburg: Tactics, Geography, and Politics
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Department 1
Civil War Era Studies
Department 2
"Descriptions of the battle of Gettysburg have been nearly as numerous as those of Niagara," complained the pious historian of the 126th New York Volunteer Infantry. Not an uncommon complaint - except that Mrs. Arabella Willson was writing in 1870, without having to reckon with the Andes of such "descriptions" which have accumulated over the ensuing 140 years. Even at that early point, though, it annoyed Mrs. Willson, who had cut her literary teeth writing best-selling missionary biographies, that no one "has succeeded in giving a vivid impression" of the great battle. [excerpt]
Recommended Citation
Guelzo, Allen C. "The Unturned Corners of the Battle of Gettysburg: Tactics, Geography, and Politics." Gettysburg Magazine 45 (July 2011), 107-122.
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