"Brian C. Pohanka Internship Program Video" by Civil War Institute and Communications & Marketing


Brian C. Pohanka Internship Program Video

Streaming Media

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Department 1

Civil War Institute


The Civil War Institute’s Brian C. Pohanka Internship Program offers Gettysburg College students a special opportunity to do paid work on the frontlines of history, giving public tours of iconic historic sites, leading children’s programs, gaining hands-on experience with original artifacts, creating multimedia products, and conducting independent historical research. This video highlights Natalie S. Sherif '15 and Matthew D. LaRoche '17, two summer interns at Harpers Ferry National Historic Park.

This video was created by the Communications & Marketing Office at Gettysburg College.

Visit Civil War Institute's website to learn more about the Brian C. Pohanka Internship Program and other CWI events.

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