Trends in Illness and Health Care Utilization

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date


Department 1

Health Sciences


Book Summary: Patients with chronic conditions often need psychosocial support and brief counseling to help them make the lifestyle and behavioral changes required to prevent disease complications. This innovative text, with contributions from respected clinicians and researchers in all arenas of behavioral health, provides comprehensive training for all health professionals—including those in medicine, nursing, social work, mental health, and clinical and health psychology—who desire targeted evidence-based training in behavioral health skills. Rich case examples drawn from typical patient presentations demonstrate the relationship between physical and psychological health and the complexity of behavioral change in chronic illness.

Chapter Summary: This textbook focuses on knowledge and skills needed for working with the most common chronic conditions such as diabetes, obesity, chronic pain, cardiovascular conditions, sleep disorders, geriatric conditions, cancer-related conditions, and substance abuse. Prof. Dailey's chapter discusses epidemiological trends in these conditions.


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