Class Year




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Document Type

Student Research Paper

Publication Date

Spring 2010


In the common room of Huber Hall, there hangs high on the wall a dingy looking portrait of an older gentleman, dressed in a dark suit with round-framed glasses and graying hair. Beneath this portrait framed in faded gold is a small, tarnished, black plaque that gives a name to this curious looking man and briefly describes some of his accomplishments. From this portrait located above a small television, the Reverend Charles Henry Huber looks out over what used to be the lobby of the Gettysburg Academy, which was housed in a building where he spent much of his professional life; a building that would one day take on his name. Looking out into the common room of what has been transformed into a first year residence hall, “Huber” can see many of the changes that have come to his building and the college where he spent much of his life. Where a grand piano once stood toward the end of his time at the Academy, two rarely used foosball tables now sit; where a brick fireplace once housed its fair share of crackling fires on a snowy day, the metal doors to an elevator now open and close on a daily basis. Students who once crowded around the fireplace to listen to a radio broadcast now crowd around a television to watch new episodes of Grey’s Anatomy and other popular T.V. shows. From his retirement in 1940 to his death in 1951, and for many years after, Huber's portrait has seen many changes to both Huber all and the students who now live there from his portrait on the wall. The story of his half century of service to the college remains the same, although there are few people who could tell even a portion of it today. [excerpt]

Course Information:

  • Course Title: HIST 300: Historical Method
  • Academic Term: Spring 2010
  • Course Instructor: Dr. Michael J. Birkner '72

Hidden in Plain Sight is a collection of student papers on objects that are "hidden in plain sight" around the Gettysburg College campus. Topics range from the Glatfelter Hall gargoyles to the statue of Eisenhower and from historical markers to athletic accomplishments. You can download the paper in pdf format and click "View Photo" to see the image in greater detail.


Gettysburg College, Huber Hall, Charles H. Huber, Gettysburg Academy


History | United States History

Department 1


Campus Location

Huber Hall

The Legacy of Charles Henry Huber, Class of 1892: A Half Century of Service to Gettysburg College