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Research shows that students who don’t have access to assigned course materials are more likely to struggle academically. We know that high book costs mean that many students never obtain their textbooks, while others have limited access due to using shared copies. Local data reveal that negative impacts of high book costs are more pronounced for Gettysburg College first-generation students, international students, and Pell Grant recipients.

Eliminating or reducing the cost of course materials can help to counteract these negative effects and inequities. This session will provide a brief overview of how to find two types of zero-cost materials: Open Educational Resources (OER) and library-licensed materials. We’ll also share information about the JCCTL OER/Zero-Cost Course Conversation Grant, which provides support for adopting zero-cost materials or remixing OER.

Librarians are able to provide support for identifying titles that will work for your continuing and newly-developed courses. Librarians and Instructional Technologists can provide support for remixing.

JCCTL will provide lunch – join us, and learn more!

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License.

Additional Files

8-30 JCCTL Session One Pager.docx (15 kB)
Supplementary resources and links
