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Waking and sleep states are regulated by the coordinated activity of a number of neuronal population in the brainstem and hypothalamus whose synaptic interactions compose a sleep-wake regulatory network. Physiologically based mathematical models of the sleep-wake regulatory network contain mechanisms operating on multiple time scales including relatively fast synaptic-based interations between neuronal populations, and much slower homeostatic and circadian processes that modulate sleep-wake temporal patterning. In this study, we exploit the naturally arising slow time scale of the homeostatic sleep drive in a reduced sleep-wake regulatory network model to utilize fast-slow analysis to investigate the dynamics of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep regulation. The network model consists of a reduced number of wake-, non-REM (NREM) sleep-, and REM sleep-promoting neuronal populations with the synaptic interactions reflecting the mutually inhibitory flip-flop conceptual model for sleep-wake regulation and the reciprocal interaction model for REM sleep regulation. Network dynamics regularly alternate between wake and sleep states as goverend by the slow homeostatic sleep drive. By varying a parameter associated with the activation of the REM-promoting population, we cause REM dynamics during sleep episodes to vary from supression to single activations to regular REM-NREM cycling, corresponding to changes in REM patterning induced by circadian modulation and observed in different mammalian species. We also utilize fast-slow analysis to explain complex effects on sleep-wake patterning of simulated experiments in which agonists and antagonists of different neurotransmitters are microinjected into specific neuronal populations participating in the sleep-wake regulatory network.
Copyright Note
This is the publisher’s version of the work. This publication appears in Gettysburg College’s institutional repository by permission of the copyright for personal use, not for redistribution.
Recommended Citation
Diniz Behn, Cecilia and V. Booth. “A Fast-Slow Analysis of the Dynamics of REM Sleep.” SIAM Journal of Applied Dynamical System 11.1 (2012): 212-242.