"Orange Is the New Golgotha" by Kerry S. Walters

Document Type

Blog Post

Publication Date


Department 1



The Roman soldiers jeered at Jesus, called him "towelhead" and "sand monkey," ripped off his garments and clad him in an orange jumpsuit. Then they pulled a black sack over his head and led him to an interrogation cell, where CIA operatives awaited him. They shackled Jesus's wrists and strung him up so that he dangled from the ceiling. One of them questioned him, and when his responses weren't to their liking, the other beat him. [excerpt]


This blog post was published as part of Huffington Post's "The Blog," on December 31, 2014.

Required Publisher's Statement

Original version is available from the publisher at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kerry-walters/orange-is-the-new-golgoth_b_6372182.html
