Class Year

Creation Date
Spring 2015
Document Type
Department 1
Oil on Canvas
From the artist: Part of an ongoing series of fantasy figures in 'human' landscapes. I have always been interested in the Faerie world, and drawing and painting it has been a constant in my work. I am also very interested in sustainable living and recycling practices in our world of modernization and mass production, and I wonder what faeries – who I view as spirits of the natural world – would think of our lack of home agriculture and self-sustainability, global deforestation, and the huge amounts of waste that we produce. A central theme of this series explores a few key hypothetical questions: if faeries moved in to our homes and communities, how would they live our lives? What would they change? What would they keep?
This piece was based on the General Chemistry Lab at Gettysburg College.
fairy, fantasy, chemistry, nature, environment