Document Type
Blog Post
Publication Date
Department 1
Center for Public Service
If you haven’t noticed yet, we’ve had some really spectacular visitors from the south with us on Gettysburg’s campus the last few days! The Random Acts of Theater Company (RATCo) is a group that emerged from the Freedom Foundation in Denver, Colorado a few years ago. Their initiative involved using theater as a means for self-expression and communication, but RATCo spread because it was so successful and ultimately reached Selma, Alabama. Selma, although a major site for the Civil Rights movement, and also the site for the last battle of the civil war, has changed very little since the 1960s. The students involved with RATCo attend segregated schools– yes, still in 2013! The town is still largely segregated. In a town where there is still a lot of hate, RATCo gives people a place to love and to learn from one another. [excerpt]
Copyright Note
This is the author's version of the work. This publication appears in Gettysburg College's institutional repository by permission of the copyright owner for personal use, not for redistribution.
Recommended Citation
Center for Public Service, "Fearless: RATCo" (2013). SURGE. 148.
Included in
Acting Commons, African American Studies Commons, Dance Commons, Dramatic Literature, Criticism and Theory Commons, Performance Studies Commons, Race and Ethnicity Commons, Social Psychology and Interaction Commons
Surge is a student blog at Gettysburg College where systemic issues of justice matter. Posts are originally published at surgegettysburg.wordpress.com Through stories and reflection, these blog entries relate personal experiences to larger issues of equity, demonstrating that –isms are structural problems, not actions defined by individual prejudice. We intend to popularize justice, helping each other to recognize our biases and unlearn the untruths.