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In recent years many critics have written of the pervasive dehumanization and possible rehumanization of education. Plighting their troth to the autonomy and integrity of the human person, these commentators scour the educational landscape in search of policies and practices that depersonalize. They have often attacked teaching methods and the social and institutional situation in which teaching is undertaken; a few errant knights have even assailed the enterprise of teaching itself. Less often has curriculum content been questioned, and when it has been, the critics were usually concerned about "irrelevance." There is, however, another way in which the curriculum is obviously and literally depersonalized - yet it has, curiously, avoided all the attacks of all recent humanizers I know of. Therefore, I propose to take up sword and join the fray (without judging the claims of the other participants). The object of my criticism is the place of biography in the curriculum, the role now given to the study of another person's life. [excerpt]

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