Artists & Curators
Student Curator: Laura E. Bergin '17, Gettysburg College
Lecturer: Wafaa Bilal, New York University
Editor: Shannon Egan, Gettysburg College

Gallery Talk Date
September 9 & 29, 2016
Exhibit Dates
September 9 – October 22, 2016
Reception Date
September 9, 2016
Curated by Mellon Summer Scholar Laura Bergin '17, this interdisciplinary exhibition examines how the human figure is represented in prints, photographs and paintings of modern war and political conflict from Gettysburg College’s Special Collections and Fine Arts Collection. Bergin will examine how the artist’s interest in journalistic photographs compares to other visual documentation of the aftermath of other wars, from the Civil War, through World War I and II, as well as the Korean and Vietnam wars, and the more recent conflicts in the Middle East.
See the full exhibit catalog here.
Document Type
Modern War, Political Conflict, Civil War, World War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Middle East