Artists & Curators
Curated by students under the direction of Prof. Felicia Else, Department of Art and Art History and Prof. Kay Etheridge, Department of Biology
More information can be found at Wonders of Nature and Artifice

Gallery Talk Date
November 15, November 29, and December 6, 2017
Exhibit Dates
November 10 - December 8, 2017
Reception Date
November 10, 2017
A stuffed blowfish, a meticulously-drawn insect, a ravishing lily, and a rhinoceros horn carved with scenes of plants and animals—these were among the wonders of nature and artifice, the marvels that fueled the Renaissance quest for knowledge. This exhibition explores the intellectual and aesthetic motivations of Renaissance naturalists and collectors, whose wonders of nature and artifice were displayed in elaborate gardens, illustrated books, and remarkable cabinets of curiosities. Collectors were driven by curiosity and a sense of wonder about what seemed to be an ever-expanding world. Students from Prof. Felicia Else’s upper-level art history course and Kay Etheridge’s First Year Seminar will draw connections between art and science, and curate a Renaissance-inspired “Chamber of Wonders” in Schmucker Art Gallery with resources from Gettysburg College’s Fine Arts and Special Collections, departments across campus, and individual loans.
Document Type
Gettysburg College, Fine Art, Renaissance, Nature, Artifice, Artifacts