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Department 1

Conservatory of Music


At MayDay Group Colloquium 24 in East Lansing, MI, Sandra Stauffer (2012) charged that: "If we want change, we need to start telling different stories . . . we work with beginning teachers, and we worry about teacher identities. We tell them a that does not serve them well. A story that they will be prepared. Maybe we should tell stories of self-making, of re-making and replacing ourselves. Of preparation as a constantly evolving teacher story. Maybe then transformation can be the norm."

Sandy’s comments of transformation resonated strongly with the very project I was presenting at the same colloquium on the lived-experiences and music identities of six preservice teachers in a Secondary Music Education Methods course during the spring semester of 2012. This paper emerged out of my presentation and it is my hope that by sharing the stories of these six preservice teachers, as well as my own, that we can show the type of self-making, re-making and replacing ourselves for which Sandy was advocating. [excerpt]

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