Map Picture Overlay


Student Authors:

Amrit Dhakal '17, Gettysburg College

Yulin Zhu '18, Gettysburg College

Document Type

Digital Project

Publication Date


Department 1

Computer Science


Map Picture Overlay is a program that allows a map picture to be overlaid on a GPS. Right now the GPS is limited to Open Layers using Open Street Maps, but that will be expanded in the future. The map picture is any picture (or image), but makes the most sense if it is limited to a picture that is a map of the area to be overlaid.

This application can be found at

Students who have worked on this project:

Madison Senseney (15) - Wrote the original wire frame design.

Amrit Dhaka (17) - Wrote the prototype for the file upload method.

Yulin Zhu (18) - Worked on the initial map application.
