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For the most part, the collection represents Forness’ interest in architecture and architectural history as well as teaching Included is his research and writing on John Dempwolf, (a German architect from York, Pennsylvania who designed Glatfelter Hall, Brua Hall, and McKnight Hall) as well as other Pennsylvania architects and architecture in America. The collection also contains his files during the time he served on the Historical Architecture Review Board for the Borough of Gettysburg, 1988 through 2008. Also included are Forness’ course materials, lecture notes, examinations and grade book for his history courses at Gettysburg College.
Special Collections and College Archives Finding Aids are discovery tools used to describe and provide access to our holdings. Finding aids include historical and biographical information about each collection in addition to inventories of their content. More information about our collections can be found on our website
Collection Size
5.05 cubic feet
Publication Date
February 2013
Gettysburg College, Phi Alpha Theta, Schmucker Anniversary Committee, architecture, Glatfelter Hall, Brua Hall, McKnight Hall, John Dempwolf, Pennsylvania architects
American Art and Architecture | Architectural History and Criticism | Architecture | History | Social History | United States History
Copyright Note
This finding aid appears in Gettysburg College's institutional repository by permission of the copyright owner for personal use, not for redistribution.
Recommended Citation
Drickamer, Karen D., "MS-132: Norman O. Forness Papers" (February 2013). Special Collections and College Archives Finding Aids. Special Collection and College Archives, Musselman Library, Gettysburg College.
Document Type
Finding Aid

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American Art and Architecture Commons, Architectural History and Criticism Commons, Social History Commons, United States History Commons