"Popular Feminism at Work: Redistribution and Recognition in the Marcha" by Nathalie Lebon

Popular Feminism at Work: Redistribution and Recognition in the Marcha Mundial das Mulheres in Brazil

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date


Department 1

Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies


The World March of Women is a transnational socialist feminist coalition. Its exceptional Brazilian chapter has chosen to engage the state through protest and movement-building activities, in part in response to the institutionalization of Brazilian women’s movements since the late 1990s. It has successfully organized women from the popular sectors and strengthened their collective voice, a process which is key to building a strong and truly inclusive counter-hegemonic force in terms of gender as well as class. Inclusivity in terms of race and sexual identity and expression still needs further attention. Integral to the March’s success is its collective identity which consistently weaves redistribution and recognition issues. Both matter considerably to women from the working and marginalized classes. This chapter explores the contextual factors and features of the March’s internal political culture that have facilitated this deepening of both redistribution and recognition claims.


Chapter 8 of Popular Sovereignty and Constituent Power in Latin America: Democracy From Below, edited by Emelio Betances and Carlos Figueroa Ibarra.

Original version available from the publisher at http://www.palgrave.com/us/book/9781137548245#aboutAuthors

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