Cuisine and Feasting in the Copan and Lower Ulua Valleys in Honduras

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date


Department 1



This chapter considers cuisine and feasting in Late to Terminal Classic period societies living in what is now Honduras. During this time period, approximately the seventh to eleventh centuries CE, people living in the Copán valley in the mountains of western Honduras and in the Lower Ulúa valley, a broad, low-lying flood plain in the central part of the country, prepared, served, and ate meals made from local and imported ingredients. These meals most often brought together members of the same household and took place in the intimate confines of domestic space. However, food also played an important role in bringing together larger groups of people, including relatives, neighbors, acquaintances, and strangers. By turning the everyday acts of eating into elaborate and structured social occasions, meals became feasts. [excerpt]

Required Publisher's Statement

The book containing this chapter is available from the University of Texas Press.

This item is not available in The Cupola.
