
Curated by
Merlyn Maldonado Lopez '22

under the direction of
Shannon Egan



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Document Type

Art Catalog


Artist Martin Puryear’s commitment to seeing objects as connected to history and culture resonates with a moment when Gettysburg College reflected on the significance of its own historical place and time. As the College approached the sesquicentennial anniversary of its founding, it decided to mark the occasion not with a ball or parade, but with “an intelligent artifact,” a permanent marker that both recognizes its maker and offers its own history. In 1980, Associate Dean of the College Robert Nordvall suggested to President Charles Glassick that they ought to commission a monumental sculpture on campus. Glassick then created the Ad Hoc Sculpture Committee and appointed Nordvall, who became chairman of the committee, Biology Professor A. Ralph Cavaliere, Art Professor and sculptor Alan Paulson, Trustee Samuel A. Schreckengaust, and, at Professor Paulson’s recommendation, student Nicholas Micros, class of 1982. [excerpt]

Publication Date

Fall 2021


Schmucker Art Gallery, Gettysburg College


Gettysburg, PA


Martin Puryear, Sentinel, Gettysburg College, 1981


Martin Puryear: 40 Years Since Sentinel was on exhibition at the Schmucker Art Gallery at Gettysburg College September 10 – November 6, 2021

Martin Puryear: 40 Years Since Sentinel
