Thyroxine-induced Changes in Metabolic Rate and Cytochrome Oxidase Activity in Thamnophis sirtalis: Effects of Nutritional Status, Kay Etheridge
The Role of Steroids in Reproduction in Female Elasmobranchs and Reptiles, Ian P. Callard, Kay Etheridge, Georgia Giannoukos, Theresa Lamb, and Lorelei Perez
The Energetics of Estivating Sirenid Salamanders, Kay Etheridge
Water Balance in Estivating Sirenid Salamanders, Kay Etheridge
Seasonal Changes in Energy Storage and Reproductive Condition in the Lizard Cnemidophorus sexlineatus, Kay Etheridge
Consumption of Aquatic Plants by the West Indian Manatee, Kay Etheridge, G. B. Rathbun, J. A. Powell, and H. I. Kochman
The Influence of Man-made Trails on Foraging by Tropical Frugivorous Bats, Jorge Palmeirim and Kay Etheridge
Hibernation in the lizard Cnemidophorus sexlineatus (Lacertilia: Teidae), Kay Etheridge, Lawrence C. Wit, and Jeffrey C. Sellers
Seasonal Plasma T4 Titers in the Hibernating Lizard Cnemidophorus sexlineatus, J. C. Sellers, L. C. Wit, V. K. Ganjam, Kay Etheridge, and I. M. Ragland
Aquatic Ascomycetes from Lake Itasca, Minnesota, A. R. Cavaliere
Marine Fungi of Iceland: A Preliminary Account of Ascomycetes, A. R. Cavaliere
A New Marine Ascomycete from Australia, A. R. Cavaliere and T. W. Johnson Jr.
Two New Species of Leafblight Fungi on Kalmia Latifolia, F. A. Wolf and A. R. Cavaliere