Panel Presentations
Event Title
Gender of a Nation: Propaganda in WWII and the Atomic Age
Angela A. Badore '14, Gettysburg College
Breidenbaugh Hall 311
Reimaging Gendered Images
Start Time
5-3-2014 1:15 PM
End Time
5-3-2014 2:30 PM
Supervising Faculty Member
Catherine Batza
Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
This paper explores the shifting presentations of gender in U.S. wartime propaganda aimed at the American public during World War II and the early Eisenhower Era. Through the images and texts produced during these times, a clear portrait of an idealized national portrayal of gender emerged, showing a more masculine overall image during WWII and a more feminine overall during the early 1950s. Gender roles were far less rigid in the war years than in the Cold War, as illustrated by the propaganda shown.
Document Type
Student Research Paper
Gender of a Nation: Propaganda in WWII and the Atomic Age
Breidenbaugh Hall 311
This paper explores the shifting presentations of gender in U.S. wartime propaganda aimed at the American public during World War II and the early Eisenhower Era. Through the images and texts produced during these times, a clear portrait of an idealized national portrayal of gender emerged, showing a more masculine overall image during WWII and a more feminine overall during the early 1950s. Gender roles were far less rigid in the war years than in the Cold War, as illustrated by the propaganda shown.