Carbon, Cookstoves, and Kitchens: Case Studies of Fuelwood Use and the Potential for Ethanol Substitutability in Rural India, Vietnam, and Tanzania

Quinn M. Heist, Gettysburg College


The poster explores questions of cultural feasibility and the related roles of gender/class/ethnicity dynamics within a community, cooking and fuel preferences of stove users, and religious considerations related to non-consumptive alcohol use when implementing ethanol fuel stoves in the context of three case studies conducted in India, Vietnam, and Tanzania.

Apr 29th, 4:30 PM Apr 29th, 6:15 PM

Carbon, Cookstoves, and Kitchens: Case Studies of Fuelwood Use and the Potential for Ethanol Substitutability in Rural India, Vietnam, and Tanzania

CUB Ballroom

The poster explores questions of cultural feasibility and the related roles of gender/class/ethnicity dynamics within a community, cooking and fuel preferences of stove users, and religious considerations related to non-consumptive alcohol use when implementing ethanol fuel stoves in the context of three case studies conducted in India, Vietnam, and Tanzania.