'Those Things of the Past,' The Storer Community and the 'Faithful Slave' Monument
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Department 1
Civil War Era Studies
There was a modest crowd gathered along Potomac Street in Harpers Ferry that October day in 1931. Many were locals, "Confederate Daughters and veterans and sympathizers," the Washington Post noted. Some came from West Virginia. Others hailed from nearby Maryland or Virginia. At least one face in that crowd, however, was from decidedly farther north, and tinged just a shade or two darker than those of the white veterans of the rebel army and their daughters. Several decades before, her parents had lived in a nation where, had they wandered into Harpers Ferry from their home in New England on a bad day, they might have been mistakenly sold as human property. Now, amid a sea of Confederate sympathizers, Pearl Tatten stood and spoke truth to the gathered crowd.
Recommended Citation
Rudy, John. "'Those Things of the Past,' The Storer Community and the 'Faithful Slave' Monument." In "Storer College: To Emancipate the Mind and Soul," edited by Catherine Balda, 136-142. Harpers Ferry, WV: Harpers Ferry Park Association, 2017.
Originally published in Storer College: "To Emancipate the Mind and Soul," edited by Catherine Balda.