Introductory Economics: Gender, Majors, and Future Performance, Natsuki Arai, Shian Chang, and Biing-Shen Kuo
The Efficiency of the Japanese Government’s Revenue Projections, Natsuki Arai, Nobou Iizuka, and Yohei Yamamoto
The Affordable Care Act and Women’s Self-Employment in the United States, Margaret Blume-Kohout
Regulating Greenhouse Gas Emissions by An Inter-Temporal Policy Mix: An Experimental Investigation, Tiho Ancev, Rimvydas Baltaduonis, and Elizabeth Immer-Bernold
Congenital Chagas Disease in the United States: The Effect of Commercially Priced Benznidazole on Costs and Benefits of Maternal Screening, Victoria Perez-Zetune, Stephanie R. Bialek, Susan P. Montgomery, and Eileen Stillwaggon
The Cost-Effectiveness of Neonatal versus Prenatal Screening for Congenital Toxoplasmosis, Christine Binquet, Catherine Lejeune, Valérie Seror, François Peyron, Anne-Claire Bertaux, Olivier Scemama, Catherine Quantin, Sophie Béjean, Eileen Stillwaggon, and Martine Wallon
Prevention and Mitigation of Congenital Toxoplasmosis: Economic Costs and Benefits in Diverse Settings, Branko Bobić, Isabelle Villena, and Eileen Stillwaggon
The Harold G. Evans Chair of Eisenhower Leadership Studies and the Eisenhower Institute Undergraduate Fellowship, Brendan Cushing-Daniels
Did DR-CAFTA Affect the Exports of the Dominican Republic to the United States?, Maria Ivanova Reyes Peguero and Asger V. Hansen
Valuation Structure in Incomplete Information Contests: Experimental Evidence, Diego Aycinena, Rimvydas Baltaduonis, and Lucas Rentschler
Honoring Veterans Means Funding Suicide Prevention, Brendan Cushing-Daniels and Christopher R. Fee
Congenital Chagas Disease in the United States: Cost Savings Through Maternal Screening, Eileen Stillwaggon, Victoria Perez-Zetune, Stephanie R. Bialek, and Susan P. Montgomery
Understanding HIV/AIDS in the African Context, Eileen Stillwaggon and Larry Sawers
Risk and Abnormal Returns in Markets for Congestion Revenue Rights, Rimvydas Baltaduonis, Samuel Bonar, John Carnes, and Erin Mastrangelo
Point-of-Care Testing for Toxoplasma Gondii IgG/IgM Using Toxoplasma ICT IgG-IgM Test with Sera from the United States and Implications for Developing Countries, Ian J. Begeman, Joseph Lykins, Ying Zhou, Bo Shiun Lai, Pauline Levinge, Kamal El Bissati, Kenneth Boyer, Shawn Withers, Fatima Clouser, A. Gwendolyn Noble, Peter Rabiah, Charles N. Swisher, Peter T. Heydemann, Depina G. Contopoulos-Ioannidis, Jose G. Montoya, Yvonne Maldonado, Raymund Ramirez, Cindy Press, Eileen Stillwaggon, François Peyron, and Rima McLeod
Congenital Toxoplasmosis in Austria: Prenatal Screening for Prevention is Cost-Saving, Andrea-Romana Prusa, David C. Kasper, Larry Sawers, Evelyn Walter, Michael Hayde, and Eileen Stillwaggon
Endowment Effects and Contribution Strategies in Public Good Experiments, John P. Weis, John J. Cadigan, Pamela Schmitt, and Kurtis Swope
Economic Costs and Benefits of a Community-Based Lymphedema Management Program for Lymphatic Filariasis in Odisha State, India, Eileen Stillwaggon, Larry Sawers, Jonathan Rout, David Addiss, and LeAnne Fox
Working Capital Requirement and the Unemployment Volatility Puzzle, Tsu-ting Tim Lin
Rush to Judgment: The STI-Treatment Trials and HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa, Eileen Stillwaggon and Larry Sawers
A Way Around the Divided House Majority, Charles L. Weise and Bruce A. Larson
Risk Preferences and Prenatal Exposure to Sex Hormones for Ladinos, Diego Aycinena, Rimvydas Baltaduonis, and Lucas Rentschler
Valuation Structure in First-Price and Least-Revenue Auctions: An Experimental Investigation, Diego Aycinena, Rimvydas Baltaduonis, and Lucas Rentschler
An Experimental Study of Complex-Offer Auctions from Wholesale Energy Markets, Rimvydas Baltaduonis
Common-Value Procurement Auctions with Renegotiation, Rimvydas Baltaduonis and Lucas Rentschler
Better Economic Tools for Evaluating Health and Development Investments, Eileen Stillwaggon
El mal de Chagas y su potencial de eliminación, Eileen Stillwaggon
Complex Epidemics, Simplistic Tools: The Failure of AIDS Policy in Africa, Eileen Stillwaggon
Living With Uncertainty, Eileen Stillwaggon
Racial Metaphors: The Background to Behaviour Modification Strategies for Fighting AIDS in Africa, Eileen Stillwaggon
Power, Race, and the Neglect of Science: The HIV Epidemics in Sub-Saharan Africa, Eileen Stillwaggon and Larry Sawers
Political Pressures on Monetary Policy during the US Great Inflation, Charles L. Weise
Impact of Industrial Linkages on Firm Performance in Chinese Development Zones: The Case of Jiangsu Province, Zhining Hu, Jianghuai Zheng, and Jialing Wang
HIV and Concurrent Sexual Partnerships: Modelling the Role of Coital Dilution, Larry Sawers, Alan G. Isaac, and Eileen Stillwaggon
Human Capital, Education, and Entrepreneurs: Evidence from the Yangtze River Delta, Zhining Hu, Jianghuai Zheng, and Jialing Wang
Concurrent Sexual Partnerships Do Not Explain the HIV Epidemics in Africa: A Systematic Review of the Evidence, Larry Sawers and Eileen Stillwaggon
An Experimental Study of the Holdout Problem in a Multilateral Bargaining Game, John J. Cadigan, Pamela Schmitt, Robert Shupp, and Kurtis Swope
Complexity, Cofactors, and the Failure of AIDS Policy in Africa, Eileen Stillwaggon
Entrepreneurship and Innovation: the Case of Yangtze River Delta in China, Jianghuai Zheng, Zhining Hu, and Jialing Wang
Social Position and Distributive Justice: Experimental Evidence, Kurtis Swope, John J. Cadigan, Pamela Schmitt, and Robert Shupp
Efficiency in Deregulated Electricity Markets: Offer Cost Minimization vs. Payment Cost Minimization Auction, Rimvydas Baltaduonis
Two-Stage Team Rent-Seeking: Experimental Analysis, John J. Cadigan