National Parks and Wildlife Restoration in the Global North: The Case of Wolves in the United States and France
Student Authors
Student co-author:
Alyssa Papantonakis '24, Gettysburg College
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Department 1
Environmental Studies
This research offers a comparative analysis of the role of national parks in wolf reintroduction efforts in the United States and France. While Yellowstone National Park is often credited with influencing conservation efforts in the U.S. and around the world, we considered, what lessons the United States might glean from the experience of other countries. The restoration of gray wolves in France presents an opportunity to explore this question.
Recommended Citation
Wilson, Randall K. and Alyssa Papantonakis. “National Parks and Wildlife Restoration in the Global North: The Case of Wolves in the United States and France.” In The Changing Geography of National Parks and Protected Areas, edited by Joe Weber and Selima Sultana. Palgrave Macmilllan Cham, 2024.