Student research from the Environmental Studies Department at Gettysburg College.




The Perfect Pitch: Car Commercials in the Environment, Alyssa P. Beyer and Sara Moyer


Recruitment Facilitation and Spatial Pattern Formation in Soft-Bottom Mussel Beds, John A. Commito, Ann E. Commito, Rutherford V. Platt, Benjamin M. Grupe, Wendy Dow Piniak, Natasha J. Gownaris, Kyle A. Reeves, and Allison M. Vissichelli


Baltimore and the Cherry Hill Urban Garden: Tearing Down and Building Up the Physical and Imaginative Spaces of Post-Industrial Urban Food Systems, Rebecca L. Croog


Dirty Recycling: Auto Salvage and Its Potential Impacts on Marginalized Populations, Ethan B. Dively, Nicholas C. Ferreri, and Cole D. Rossiter


All That Sprawl, Y’all: An Analysis of Development on Steinwehr Avenue and York Street in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, from 1971 to 2014, Elizabeth K. Emmons, Kalley S. Hansel, and Daly Simpson


Walkable Gettysburg— How Pedestrian Friendly is the Borough of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania?, Samuel C. Gilvarg and Shane A. Kesnig


What Drives Car Attitudes: An Analysis of How Demographics and Environmental Views Relate to Car Attitudes, Kelly M. Gross, Alexandra S. Isaacson, and Brian J.B. Lonabocker


Noise Pollution? What's the solution?: Understanding Traffic Noise Pollution in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Andrew F. Kapp, Joseph M. Passmore, and Anika H. Schneider


The State of the Upper Bay of Panama Wetlands: Ecological Significance, Environmental Policy, Urbanization, and Social Justice, Madeline A. Price

GIS Analysis of Cirques on Vestfirðir, Northwest Iceland: Implications for Palaeoclimate, Sarah M. Principato and Jessica F. Lee

Land Use and Surface Water Withdrawal Effects on Fish and Macroinvertebrate Assemblages in the Susquehanna River Basin, USA, Matthew K. Shank and Jay R. Stauffer


Green-Technology Automobiles: Can modern innovations save the environment and consumers' pockets, Nicholas M. Uline, Steven M. Mahon, and Jason P. Potter


Growing Pains or Opportunities? A Customer Survey of Three Farmers' Markets in One Rural Community, Randall K. Wilson, Paul A. Di Salvo, Claire E. Quinn, Suzanne T. Englot, and Julia P. Mitchell


Sex, Light, and Sound: Location and Combination of Multiple Attractants Affect Probability of Cane Toad (Rhinella marina) Capture, Alyse Yeager, John A. Commito, Andrew M. Wilson, Deborah Bower, and Lin Schwarzkopf



The Status of a PA Endangered Bird- the Upland Sandpiper, Paul A. Di Salvo, Kalley S. Hansel, Jessica L. Zupancic, and Andrew M. Wilson

Multi-Temporal Analysis Reveals that Predictors of Mountain Pine Beetle Infestation Change During Outbreak Cycles, Jonathan A. Walter and Rutherford V. Platt



Challenging The “Man” In Mangroves: The Missing Role Of Women In Mangrove Conservation, Alyssa L. Bosold


Farmers Markets and the Local Food System: The Case of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Paul A. Di Salvo, Claire Quinn, Robin Arnold, Caroline Clark, Suzanne Englot, Andrew Mello, Julia P. Mitchell, Emily Ruhl, Rebecca Taormina, Cashin Conover, Valerie Leone, Michael Mattaini, William Patton, Elizabeth Rouillard, Nicholas Smith-Herman, Jordan Swenson, Kelly Webster, Brian Wooldredge, and Randall K. Wilson



Gettysburg College Sustainability Proposal, Joseph W. Boone, Andrea Carson, Sarah F. Hecklau, Erik J. Hughes, Catherine A. Leech, Taylor J. McGrath, Nicole L. Moody, Christian I. Neumann, Mary K. Ranii, John D. Ryder, Megan Sherman, Sara W. Tower, and Sarah Weinstein



Using GIS to Quantify Patterns of Glacial Erosion on Northwest Iceland: Implications for Independent Ice Sheets, Sarah M. Principato and Jeremiah S. Johnson


Species Diversity in the Soft-Bottom Intertidal Zone: Biogenic Structure, Sediment, and Macrofauna Across Mussel Bed Spatial Scales, John A. Commito, Serena Como, Benjamin M. Grupe, and Wendy Dow Piniak

An Evaluation of an Object-Oriented Paradigm for Land Use/Land Cover Classification, Rutherford V. Platt and Lauren M. Rapoza


Hierarchical Spatial Structure in Soft-Bottom Mussel Beds, John A. Commito, Wendy Dow Piniak, and Benjamin M. Grupe

Fractal Characterization of Mytilus edulis L. Spatial Structure in Intertidal Landscapes Using GIS Methods, Thomas W. Crawford, John A. Commito, and Ann M. Borowik


Mussels Matter: Postlarval Dispersal Dynamics Altered by a Spatially Complex Ecosystem Engineer, John A. Commito, Emily A. Celano, Holly J. Celico, Serena Como, and Craig P. Johnson


Structural Complexity in Mussel Beds: the Fractal Geometry of Surface Topography, John A. Commito and Brian R. Rusignuolo