Additional Resources
Faculty Compensation Comparisons Fiscal Year 2012, Provost's Office
Faculty Meeting Minutes - August 30, 2012, Provost's Office
Faculty Meeting Minutes - September 20, 2012, Provost's Office
Faculty Meeting Minutes - October 4, 2012, Provost's Office
Faculty Meeting Minutes - November 1, 2012, Provost's Office
Faculty Meeting Minutes - February 7, 2013, Provost's Office
Faculty Meeting Minutes - February 21, 2013, Provost's Office
Faculty Meeting Minutes - March 7, 2013, Provost's Office
Faculty Meeting Minutes - March 21, 2013, Provost's Office
Faculty Meeting Minutes - April 4, 2013, Provost's Office
Faculty Meeting Minutes - May 2, 2013, Provost's Office
Motion: 36-course Bachelor of Music Education Degree to Replace Bachelor of Science in Music Education, Provost's Office
Motion: Discontinue Minor in Health Sciences, Provost's Office
Motion: External Evaluation of Scholarship will be Required for Promotion to Full Professor, Provost's Office
Motion: Combined-Degree Articulation Agreement with the Swanson School of Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh, Provost's Office
Motion: Off-Campus Studies Affiliation with IFSA-Butler in Israel, Provost's Office