COVID-19 Has Killed Globalization as We Know It, but It Is Not Too Late for a Different Approach
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Department 1
Political Science
In this article I discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and how it has led to the overall decline of globalization in its current form. I discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the shortcomings of globalization in its current form that proves it to be unsustainable in the long term. In addition, I discuss new ideas for what a new form of globalization would look like that would be more stable and prosperous, along with being better able to manage global crises such as the current pandemic.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Recommended Citation
Zak, John, "COVID-19 Has Killed Globalization as We Know It, but It Is Not Too Late for a Different Approach" (2021). Glatfelter Gazette. 4.
Journal Subfield: International Relations