Volume 16 (2017)
Complete Issue
Front Matter
Letter from the Editors
Caitlin T. Connelly, Julia K. Deros, and Brianna O'Boyle
Featured Piece
Timothy J. Shannon, Ian A. Isherwood, Jill Ogline Titus, and Scott Hancock
A Different Way of Touring Europe; One Aid Man's Journey Across Europe During World War II
Abigail M. Currier
From Crusaders to Flunkies: American Newspaper Coverage of Black First World War Soldiers from 1915 and 1930.
Matthew D. LaRoche
Helpers in a "Heathen" Land?: An Examination of Missionary Perceptions of the Cherokees
Andrew C. Nosti
A Divided Front: Military Dissent During the Vietnam War
Kaylyn L. Sawyer

- Editors
- Caitlin T. Connelly
- Julia K. Deros
- Brianna O'Boyle
- Associate Editors
- Jesse R. Campana
- Abigail M. Currier
- Keira B. Koch
- Matthew D. LaRoche
- Jeffrey L. Lauck
- Andrew C. Nosti
- Meghan E. O'Donnell