Promoting Nutritional Health, Healthy Food Systems, and Well-Being of the Community
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Department 1
Health Sciences
Food and the manners by which it is produced and distributed across a community have profound implications for the livability and quality of life offered. In addition, health outcomes and economic viability are subsequently long-term outcomes of the food system that is created and maintained in a community. There is no doubt that community leaders and public health practitioners face a daunting task in seeking to meet the immediate needs of their citizens, while also having a forward vision for meeting future challenges. This chapter seeks to describe some of the key issues that are involved with food and nutritional health at the community level. It details the topics such as food security, food justice, community development, and systems thinking. The chapter helps the reader to evaluate a community food system for inequities and future opportunities, and apply a systems framework to promoting nutritional health and community wellness.
Recommended Citation
Hege, Adam, Alisha Farris, Amy Dailey, and Maria Julian. "Promoting Nutritional Health, Healthy Food Systems, and Well-Being of the Community." In Public Health Nutrition: Rural, Urban, and Global Community-Based Practice, edited by Kyle L. Thompson and Adam Henge, 135-162. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 2020.
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