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The posters in this series focus on parts of the Gettysburg College story that have been minimized or neglected altogether in previous histories – particularly with respect to underrepresented groups, issues, and activisms. Based on sometimes incomplete sources, they represent imperfect knowledge and are not comprehensive. They are a beginning, not an ending.

For that reason, we invite your feedback – corrections, additional information, people and events not pictured. We also invite contributions of relevant documents, photos, etc. to the College Archives, or via our digital repository, “What We Did Here: Activism at Gettysburg College.”

The story of change at Gettysburg is being written every day. You can help write it!

Poster 1 - Student Activism: The Students - Many student activists have sought to educate their peers about ideas and issues outside the College bubble. They’ve done this with intercollegiate exchanges, alternative curricula, statements of racial pride, ambitious events like Symposium 70, and shared teachings and learnings like the Student Solidarity Rally.

Poster 2 - Student Activism: The College - Since the 1960s, a common focus of campus protest has been the campus itself. Students have united to oppose unjust policies, condemn racism within the College, and show support for targeted populations.

Poster 3 - Student Activism: The Nation and the World - In every era, Gettysburg students have engaged with the largest, most controversial issues nationally and internationally – from the Vietnam War to the Gulf War, LGBTQA rights to gun control, racist violence to climate change.

Poster 4 - Student Groups - Organizations united by shared identities, experiences, and values have long been a vital part of life at Gettysburg. Through them, students have built communities of their own while keeping the campus alive to issues that impact everyone.

Poster 5 - Women at Gettysburg - From 1885, when Beulah Tipton became the College’s first female matriculant, to the feminist activists of today, strong women have thrived at Gettysburg.

Publication Date

Spring 2021


Gettysburg College, history, diversity


Archival Science | History

Department 1


Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Change Happens Here
