"Let us cross over the river and rest under the shade of the trees,": My Final Post for the Summer
Class Year
Document Type
Blog Post
Publication Date
As the summer comes to a close, the more I think about my experiences here at Special Collections. This internship was completely different compared to my past internships, going from giving tours to creating finding aids for collections. I lived a Civil War Era Studies student’s dream, being able to handle a wide range of artifacts and documents while helping preserve them at the same time. The Hosford Collection has portions of it digitized on GettDigital and I am currently working on reorganizing and editing the Civil War Vertical File Manuscript. The Hosford Collection helped me establish my understanding of archiving very quickly, double and triple checking my work. His diaries strengthened my understanding of what a soldier’s life entailed and the hardships they faced. [excerpt]
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Recommended Citation
Semmel, Steven J., ""Let us cross over the river and rest under the shade of the trees,": My Final Post for the Summer" (2015). Blogging the Library. 15.
The Interns at Gettysburg College’s Musselman Library captured their internship experiences since the spring of 2011. Over time the blog has featured Fortenbaugh, Smith, and Holley interns. They shared updates on semester long projects, responded to blogging prompts, and documented their individual intern experience.