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Department 1



Are you curious about how a textbook choice can influence students’ sense of belonging and their academic success?

Open textbooks are full, real textbooks used by many professors here at Gettysburg and across the U.S. They are completely free to access online and also free of most copyright restrictions, meaning it’s legal to copy, share, edit, mix, keep and use those materials. Adopting an open textbook ensures that all students have immediate access to a zero-cost book and provides faculty 100% control over their learning materials. Attend this workshop to learn more about how an open textbook may align with your learning goals and commitment to inclusion and belonging.

After the workshop, participants will be invited to write a short review of an open textbook they might assign in a course (please note: open textbooks are not available for all subjects). Your review will be shared in the Open Textbook Library so it may benefit other faculty considering open textbooks.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License.
