
Interview with Lawrese Brown, February 19, 2021

Interview Participants

Interviewee: Lawrese Brown, Class of 2010, Gettysburg College

Interviewer: Devin McKinney, Archives Assistant, Gettysburg College

Document Type

Oral History


Lawrese Brown was interviewed on February 19, 2021, by Devin McKinney about her early life, her education at Gettysburg College, and her subsequent professional life.

Collection Note: This oral history was selected from the Oral History Collection maintained by Special Collections & College Archives. Transcripts are available for browsing in the Special Collections Reading Room, 4th floor, Musselman Library. GettDigital contains the complete listing of oral histories done from 1978 to the present. To view this list and to access selected digital versions please visit https://gettysburg.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/p16274coll2/search.

Interview Date


Department 1

