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We respond to issues raised by Serebrov et al. in a recent paper regarding systematic effects in the beam neutron lifetime experiment performed at NIST. We show that these effects were considered in the original analyses and that our corrections and systematic uncertainties were appropriate. We point out some misunderstandings in the analysis of Serebrov et al. None of the issues raised lead us to alter the value of the neutron lifetime reported.
Copyright Note
This is the authors' version of the work. This publication appears in Gettysburg College's institutional repository by permission of the copyright owner for personal use, not for redistribution.
Accepted Manuscript/Postprint
Recommended Citation
Wietfeldt, F. E., R. Biswas, J. Caylor, B. Crawford, M. S. Dewey, N. Fomin, G. L. Greene, et al. “Comment on "Search for Explanation of the Neutron Lifetime Anomaly’’.” Physical Review D 107, no. 11 (June 23, 2023): 118501.
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