Faculty publications from the Public Policy Department at Gettysburg College.
Criminal Justice Reform: From Arrest to Bail Decisions, Anne S. Douds, Juliette Rhinow, Ethan Wilt, Autumn Chassie, and Troy Ayado
Taking Problem-Solving Courts to Scale: Diverse Applications of the Specialty Court Model, Eilenn M. Ahlin and Anne S. Douds
Noble Intent Is Not Enough To Run Veterans Court Mentoring Programs: A Qualitative Study of Mentors’ Role Orientation and Responsibilities, Anne S. Douds, Eilenn M. Ahlin, Cassandra Atkin-Plunk, and Michael Posteraro
Best Practices among Certain Classes of Pennsylvania Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs), Anne S. Douds, Logan C. Grubb, and Jared A. Michaels
A Trifecta of Challenges for Veterans Treatment Courts, Anne S. Douds and Jared A. Michaels
Are Victims’ Rights Honored in Veterans Courts? A Statewide Assessment of Law on the Books versus Law in Action, Anne S. Douds and Haley B. Shultz
Restoring Humanity through Human Trafficking Courts?, Anne S. Douds, Ella R. Warburton, and Kealy A. Cassidy
If You Build It, Will Vets Come? An Identity Theory Approach to Expanding Veterans’ Treatment Court Participation, Eileen M. Ahlin and Anne S. Douds
Empowered Women Empower Women, Anne S. Douds
Why Prison Dental Care Matters: Legal, Policy, and Practical Concerns, Anne S. Douds, Eilenn M. Ahlin, Nicholas S. Fiore, and Nicholas J. Barrish
The Problem with Problem Solving Courts: The Black Box Remains Unopened After Thirty Years, Eilenn M. Ahlin and Anne S. Douds
When a Veterans’ Treatment Court Fails: Lessons Learned from a Qualitative Evaluation, Anne S. Douds and Don Hummer
When a Veterans’ Treatment Court Fails: Lessons Learned from a Qualitative Evaluation, Anne S. Douds and Don Hummer