Perceived Naturalness Biases Objective Behavior in Both Trivial and Meaningful Contexts, Brian P. Meier, Eric Noreen, Michael Fellman, Courtney Lappas, and Li-Jun Ji
The Personality and Psychology of Chen Zi-Ang, a Fiery, Noble Warrior and Martyr (陳子昂烈士之人格心理), Xiao-Yu Chen
An Investigation of Black and White College Students’ Knowledge About the Long-Term Effects of ACEs, Nathalie Goubet, Janique Walker, Pamela Moye, Tyler Keohan, and Kasey Higgins
Unvaxxed and Unafraid: Unvaccinated Americans Perceive Less Disease Risk Than Do Vaccinated Americans, David J. Hauser and Brian P. Meier
Self-Compassion and Women's Experience of Social Media Content Portraying Body Positivity and Appearance Ideals, Hope R. Rutter, Cindy J. Campoverde, Thao Hoang, Sydney F. Goldberg, and Kathy R. Berenson
Less Is More: Mindfulness, Portion Size, and Candy Eating Pleasure, Brian P. Meier, Allison S. Romano, Samantha Kateman, and Rachel Nori
Responses to Validating Versus Reframing Support Strategies as a Function of Borderline Personality Features and Interpersonal Problems, Stella Nicolaou, Sydney F. Goldberg, Kaley M. Michael, and Kathy R. Berenson
The Dark Triad: Pathological Personality Traits, Brett S. Burton
The History and Development of the Hopelessness Depression Theory, Harrison Combs
Effects of Affirming Values on Self-Compassion and Mental Health Treatment Stigma., Jill Glazer, Tommi Oleson, Cindy Campoverde, and Kathy R. Berenson
Be Responsible? Priming “Responsibility” and the Bystander Effect in a Field Setting, Brian P. Meier, Michael B. Kitchens, Danielle E. Kupersmith, Kristie E. Houck, Nevada S. Keyton, Sydney E. Petrasic, Ethan H. Schultz, Sierra S. Sheriff, Mathew M. Simmers, John O. Underwood, Sara Walker, and Daymond N. Zweizig
Sensitivity to Reward and Punishment in Borderline and Avoidant Personality Disorders, Kathy R. Berenson, Sarah M. Van De Weet, Stella Nicalaou, Cindy Campoverde, Eshkol Rafaeli, and Geraldine Downey
#Bopo: The Effect of Body Positive Social Media Content on Women’s Mood and Self-compassion, Hope R. Rutter, Kaley M. Michael, Brittany J. Repak, Cindy J. Campoverde-Reinoso, Thao Hoang, and Kathy R. Berenson
Examining the ‘Cosmetics Placebo Effect’, Carlota Batres, Sarah S. Kramer, Caroline G. DeAngelis, and Richard Russell
I Saw That: Being Observed Reduces Race-based Shoot Decisions, Sarah S. Kramer, Kaitlin M. Lewin, Allison S. Romano, and Brian P. Meier
A Behavioral Confirmation and Reduction of the Natural versus Synthetic Drug Bias, Brian P. Meier, Amanda J. Dillard, Eric S. Osorio, and Courtney M. Lappas
Age, Gender, and Socioeconomic Status Differences in Explicit and Implicit Beliefs About Effortlessly Perfect Self-Presentation, Kathy R. Berenson, Tess M. Anderson, Jill Glazer, Melissa P. Menna, and Huilin Xu
Identification of Mental States and Interpersonal Functioning in Borderline Personality Disorder, Kathy R. Berenson, Cara L. Dochat, Christiana G. Martin, Xiao Yang, Eshkol Rafaeli, and Geraldine Downey
Borderline Personality Features and Integration of Positive and Negative Thoughts About Significant Others, Kathy R. Berenson, Jessica C. Johnson, Fanghui Zhao, Olga U.A. Nynaes, and Tamir Goren
Attributions for Rejection and Acceptance in Young Adults with Borderline and Avoidant Personality Features, Kathy R. Berenson, Olga U.A. Nynaes, Emily S. Wakschal, Laura M. Kapner, and Erin C. Sweeney
Do We See Eye to Eye? Moderators of Correspondence Between Student and Faculty Evaluations of Day-to-Day Teaching, Kathleen M. Cain, Benjamin M. Wilkowski, Christopher P. Barlett, Colleen D. Boyle, and Brian P. Meier
The Heart Wants What It Wants: Effects of Desirability and Body Part Salience on Distance Perceptions (Campbell), Celeste M. Campbell
What You Don't Know About Motivational Laptop Stickers, Cindy J. Campoverde-Reinoso, Stella Nicolaou, and Kathy R. Berenson
The Heart Wants What It Wants: Effects of Desirability and Body Part Salience on Distance Perceptions (DeWitt), Caroline C. DeWitt
The Heart Wants What It Wants: Effects of Desirability and Body Part Salience on Distance Perceptions (Heath), Jason B. Heath
Age Differences in the Desirability of Narcissism, Kathy R. Berenson, William D. Ellison, and Rachel L. Clasing
Self-Compassion, Self-Injury, and Pain, Wesley Ellen Gregory, Jillian V. Glazer, and Kathy R. Berenson
The Sweet Life: The Effect of Mindful Chocolate Consumption on Mood, Brian P. Meier, Sabrina W. Noll, and Oluwatobi J. Molokwu
Facial Contrast Declines with Age but Remains Sexually Dimorphic Throughout Adulthood, Richard Russell, Sarah S. Kramer, and Alex L. Jones
Effects of Cross-Fostering on Play and Anxiety in Juvenile Fischer 344 and Lewis Rats, Stephen M. Siviy, Samantha R. Eck, Lana S. McDowell, and Jennifer A. Soroka
Impulsivity, Rejection Sensitivity, and Reactions to Stressors in Borderline Personality Disorder, Kathy R. Berenson, Wesley Ellen Gregory, Erin Glaser, Aliza Romirowsky, Eshkol Rafaeli, Xiao Yang, and Geraldine Downey
The Effect of Historical Narratives and Flag Type, Maher A.R. Bigley, Alexandra E. Casella, Marike S. Sevigny-Morrissey, and Amy E. Violante
Unmasking Penn Face: Measuring the Phenomenon and Its Relationship to Other Personality Constructs, Meagan A. Lupolt
The Peacock Effect: The Influence of the Opposite Sex on Aggressive Behavior, Kira J. Mason
The Effects of Gender and Self Construal on Perception of Racism, Lauren S. Schapiro, Anne M. Schoenfeld, and William C. Thomas
The Interaction Between Perfectionism and Rumination Predicting State Self-compassion, Caitlin A. Sharp
Effects of Amphetamine on Striatal Dopamine Release, Open-Field Activity, and Play in Fischer 344 and Sprague–Dawley Rats, Stephen M. Siviy, Lana S. McDowell, Samantha R. Eck, Alexandra Turano, Garnik Akopian, and John P. Walsh
Mindful Eating: Trait and State Mindfulness Predict Healthier Eating Behavior, Christian H. Jordan, Wan Wang, Linda R. Donatoni, and Brian P. Meier
Hope, Ethnic Pride, and Academic Achievement: Positive Psychology and Latino Youth, Derik K. Yager-Elorriaga, Kathy R. Berenson, and Paula McWhirter
Semantic Context Facilitates Odor Identification in Children and Adults, Nathalie Goubet, Daniel D. McCall, Jennifer K. Ducz, and Megan L. Bingham
Motivational Versus Metabolic Effects of Carbohydrates on Self-Control, Daniel C. Molden, Chin Ming Hui, Abigail A. Scholer, Brian P. Meier, Eric E. Noreen, Paul R. D'Agostino, and Valerie A. Martin
Serotonin, Motivation, and Playfulness in the Juvenile Rat, Stephen M. Siviy, Loren M. Deron, and Chelsea R. Kasten
Effects of Chlordiazepoxide on Predator Odor-Induced Reductions of Playfulness in Juvenile Rats, Stephen M. Siviy, Courtney L. Steets, and Lauren M. DeBrouse
Priming God-Related Concepts Increases Anxiety and Task Persistence, Tina M. Toburen and Brian P. Meier
Mellow Monday and Furious Friday: The Approach-Related Link Between Anger and Time Representation, David J. Hauser, Margaret S. Carter, and Brian P. Meier