早期儒家的仪式和牺牲:与精神世界的联系 (Ritual and Sacrifice in Early Confucianism: Contacts with the Spirit World)
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Department 1
Religious Studies
Recommended Citation
Sommer, Deborah. "早期儒家的仪式和牺牲:与精神世界的联系" (Ritual and Sacrifice in Early Confucianism: Contacts with the Spirit World). Translated by Cheng Gongrang 程恭让, Li Shumin 李淑敏, and Liu Junhua 刘君花. In Duo Yuan 多元 /Pluris (Capital University Press 首都師範大學出版社, 2006), 188-202).
This article is the Chinese translation of the 2004 article "Ritual and Sacrifice in Early Confucianism:Contacts with the Spirit World." Translated by Cheng Gongrang 程恭让, Li Shumin 李淑敏, and Liu Junhua 刘君花of Capital Normal University 首都師範大學 , Beijing.