Himalayan Ummah: Mapping Muslim Communities and Cultures in the Himalayas


Megan Adamson Sijapati and Jacqueline H. Fewkes are Special Issue Co-Editors for HIMALAYA volume 38.2.

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Department 1

Religious Studies


Welcome to this special issue of HIMALAYA, which brings together a variety of pieces that explore interactions between specific iterations of Muslim community/practice/experience in the Himalayan region and the concept of the general Islamic community, the ummah. The aim of this special volume is to explore the presence of varying Muslim cultures in the Himalaya, and encourage consideration of “Himalayan ummah” to broaden our understanding of both the region and notions of Muslim community. Included in this collection are pieces that highlight the interconnections between multiple cultural spheres of Muslim community at local levels, and bring attention to the cultural, social, artistic, and political diversity of the Himalayas beyond the better understood and frequently documented religio-cultural expressions of the region. The regional focus on the Himalayas provides us with a site of both geographic and cultural crossroads, where Muslim community is simultaneously constituted at multiple social and cultural levels, thus allowing papers to explore a wide range of local, national, and global interests while maintaining a focus on localized experiences.

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