Challenges in Creating a Data Set by Using Online Information: Analyzing Online Dating Personal Ads, Voon Chin Phua
Precarity and Patriarchal Bargain: Women’s Experiences in Post-Disaster Recovery Housing after the 2011 Van Earthquake, Mehmet Şeremet, VoonChin Phua, Emine Cihangir, Ezgi Bayram-Öz, Ramazan Okudum, and Faruk Alaeddinoğlu
Social Movements, Political Linkages, and the Challenge to Democracy in Mexico, Emelio R. Betances
The Anti-Bullying Myth: Bullying and Aggression in an Inhabited Institution, Brent D. Harger
Hosting a Virtual Research Site for Data: Collecting Participants’ Voices on Bargaining During Tourist Shopping, VoonChin Phua and Jesse E. Shircliff
Work Environment and Workers’ Smoking: The Impact of Affect and Social Support Among Korean Workers, Gihwan Gu, Jaein Lee, and Myoungjin Lee
Brazilian Male Sex Workers in Termas: In and Out of Sex Work, VoonChin Phua
The Rise and Fall of Marcha Verde in the Dominican Republic, Emelio Betances
What Happens to Social Movements When They Succeed: The Case of the 4 Percent for Education in the Dominican Republic, Emelio Betances
Middle-Class German Migrants in the United States: Migrants, Immigrants, Expatriates, Transmigrants, Mobile Citizens or German Americans?, Barbara S. Heisler
Airbnb, Short-Term Rentals and the Future of Housing, Barbara S. Heisler and Lily M. Hoffman
Gendering Graffiti in Brazil, VoonChin Phua
The Use of Hornet and ‘Multi-Apping’ in Turkey, VoonChin Phua
Informal Strategies for Risk Assessment Among Brazilian Male Sex Workers and Their Clients, VoonChin Phua and Desirée Ciambrone
Guerra y Paz, Emelio Betances
Mexico: El Retorno del Estado Desarrollista?, Emelio Betances
A Culture of Aggression: School Culture and the Normalization of Aggression in Two Elementary Schools, Brent D. Harger
On the Margins of Friendship: Aggression in an Elementary School Peer Group, Brent D. Harger
To Tell or Not to Tell: Student Responses to Negative Behavior in Elementary School, Brent D. Harger
Heritage Spaces in a Global Context: The Case of Singapore Chinatown, VoonChin Phua and Jesse E. Shircliff
In Search of the Subject of Change, Emelio Betances
Movimientos Sociales y Estructuras de Poder, Emelio R. Betances
Perceiving Airbnb as Sharing Economy: The Issue of Trust in Using Airbnb, VoonChin Phua
Online Dating in Singapore: The Desire to Have Children, VoonChin Phua and Keyana P. Moody
Males Prefer Younger Females: Age Preference Among Online Daters in the Dominican Republic, VoonChin Phua, Chrisbell Jimenez Sosa, and Katie Aloisi
Finding Friends: Understanding the Role of Social Media in the Construction of Offline Social Networks, Alecea Ritter Standlee
On the Borders of the Academy: Challenges and Strategies for First-Generation Graduate Students and Faculty, Alecea Ritter Standlee
La Ciudadanía y los Movimientos Populares en la República Dominicana, Emelio R. Betances
La Iglesia Católica y la Política del Poder en América Latina, Emelio R. Betances
Researching Children and Youth: Methodological Issues, Strategies, and Innovations, Ingrid E. Castro, Melissa Swauger, and Brent D. Harger
Gendered Synthetic Love: Real Dolls and the Construction of Intimacy, Desirée Ciambrone, VoonChin Phua, and Erin N. Avery
Chinese Ghosts Revisited: A Study of Paranormal Beliefs and Experiences, Charles F. Emmons
Whites Recall the Civil Rights Movement in Birmingham: We Didn’t Know It Was History Until After It Happened, Sandra K. Gill
The IRB as Gatekeeper: Effects on Research with Children and Youth, Brent D. Harger and Melissa Quintela
An Artist as Soldier: Seeking Refuge in Love and Art, Barbara S. Heisler
The Continued Importance of Research with Children and Youth: The “New” Sociology of Childhood 40 Years Later, Melissa Swauger, Ingrid E. Castro, and Brent D. Harger
Bolivia: Evo Morales y el Reférendum del 2016, Emelio R. Betances
Building Social Citizenship: Popular Movements in the Domincan Republic, 1992-2014, Emelio R. Betances
El Movimiento Sindical Dominicano y la Izquierda: Un Legado Agridulce, Emelio R. Betances
En Busca de la Ciudadanía: Los Movimientos Sociales y la Democratización en la República Dominicana, Emelio R. Betances
Tras las Huellas de Franc Báez Evertsz, Emelio R. Betances and Rafael Duran
Popular Sovereignty and Constituent Power in Latin America: Democracy from Below, Emelio R. Betances and Carlos Figueroa Ibarra
You Say Bully, I Say Bullied: School Culture and Definitions of Bullying in Two Elementary Schools, Brent D. Harger
The Prized Connection: Portugueseness in Brazilians, VoonChin Phua
The Dominican Grassroots Movement and the Organized Left, 1978–1986, Emelio Betances
Latinoamerica Despues de Chavez: Legado y Perspectivas, Emelio Betances
Spirit Mediums in Hong Kong and the United States, Charles F. Emmons
Gazing at Haw Par villa: Cultural Tourism in Singapore, VoonChin Phua and Joseph W. Miller
Experience and Studying the Paranormal, Charles Emmons and Penelope Emmons
From German Prisoner of War to American Citizen: A Social History With 35 Interviews, Barbara S. Heisler
Swinging Around Stigma: Gendered Marketing of Swingers’ Websites, Allison T. Serina, Molly Hall, Desirée Ciambrone, and VoonChin Phua
Science and Spirit(s), Charles Emmons and Penelope Emmons
Streaming media available
Community-Based Research on the Effects of the Financial Crisis on Community Service Organizations in Adams County, PA, Michael S. Gibbons
Recalling a Difficult Past: Whites’ Memories of Birmingham, Sandra K. Gill
Placing Nature(s) on Safari, Cassie M. Hays
Promoting Multicultural Tourism in Singapore, VoonChin Phua, Doug Berkowitz, and Melissa Gagermeier
Race, Gender, and Research: Implications for Teaching from Depictions of Professors in Popular Film, 1985-2005, Mari Dagaz and Brent D. Harger
Romanian Men's Masculinities in Online Personal Advertisements, Sebastian E. Bartos, VoonChin Phua, and Erin N. Avery
Roll Your Own Religion: New Spirituality in North America, Charles Emmons and Penelope Emmons
Streaming media available
Differences in Romanian Men's Online Personals by Sexualities, Sebastian E. Bartoş, VoonChin Phua, and Erin N. Avery
Framing the Scientific Search for Spirit, Charles Emmons
Gossip at Work: Unsanctioned Evaluative Talk in Formal School Meetings, Tim Hallett, Brent D. Harger, and Donna Eder
Advertising Health Status in Male Sex Workers' Online Ads, VoonChin Phua, Desiree Ciambrone, and Obed Vasquez
Parapsychology Research Methods, Charles Emmons
Using 'The Autobiography of Malcolm X' to Teach Introductory Sociology, Brent D. Harger and Tim Hallett
Drum Dreams: Drum Circles in North America, Charles Emmons and Penelope Emmons
Streaming media available
Joaquin Balaguer and Contemporary Dominican Politics and Society, Emelio R. Betances
The Catholic Church and Political Mediation in the Dominican Republic: A Comparative Perspective, Emelio Betances
Interview with Donald W. Hinrichs, January 30, 2004, Donald W. Hinrichs and Michael J. Birkner
Is Ageism Alive in Date Selection Among Men? Age Requests Among Gay and Straight Men in Internet Personal Ads, Gayle Kaufman and VoonChin Phua
The Dominican Republic-- After the Caudillos, Emelio Betances and Hobard Spalding
The Development of Capitalist Agriculture and State Formation in the Dominican Republic, 1870-1924, Emelio Betances
The Formation of the Dominican Capitalist State and the United States Military Occupation of 1916-1924, Emelio Betances
Republica Dominicana: Crisis del Bipartidismo en las Elecciones de 1990, Emelio Betances