“hariyo ban Nepalko dhan” (“Nepal’s Wealth is the Green Forest”): The People’s Participation in Structuring Sustainable Development through Community Forestry

Class Year


Document Type

Student Research Paper

Date of Creation

Spring 2013

Department 1

Center for Global Education


Community forestry has a long history in Nepal, and despite the nationalization of the country’s forests in the mid-twentieth century, current legislation determines that rights and execution of community forest management lies largely with community forest user groups (CFUGs). This research questions to what extent CFUGs truly represent autonomous bodies with the full power and ability to manage and utilize community forests and forest resources. This research also seeks to determine the impact and distribution of CFUG operations and benefits on CFUG members, and the ways in which CFUG management practices have impacted how group members perceive and interact with concepts of “land,” “environment,” and “sustainability”. In attempting to answer these questions, this investigation employs a case study approach of the Godavari Kunda CFUG in the Lalitpur District of Nepal and utilizes methodologies of interviews, focus group meetings, and participant observation.


This paper was written during the author's study abroad experience as part of the SIT Graduate Institute - Study Abroad Program. It is part of the Independent Study Project Collection.

Required Publisher's Statement

Original version is available from SIT Graduate Institute - Study Abroad Program at: http://digitalcollections.sit.edu/isp_collection/1556/
