Green Defense: Evaluating Potentials and Limitations in Transitioning Military Vehicles to Clean Energy, Aurora M. V. Bellingeri, Danielle M. Drumm, and Zoe S. Koutsokostas
Snapshot of York Street, 1955, Molly Bogart
Presentation of Culture: Framing History in US and Italian Museums, Fiona G. Cheyney
Mythos and Logos: Foucauldian Subjectivities of Virginia Woolf's Orlando, Hayley R. Cisney
Leader Age and Conflictual Behavior in International Relations, Michael B. Cox
Gettysburg on the Go: A Bike Share Program for a Greener Gettysburg, Rachelle Dale, Emily Hazelrigg, Mishael F. Ohanwadi, and Anastasia Volciak
Marie Curie: The Quantum Matriarch, Diptiman Das
The Effects of Phenological Shifts on the Reproductive Success of Common Terns (Sterna hirundo) and Arctic Terns (Sterna paradisaea) in the Gulf of Maine, Jamie W. Dinella
Different Perspectives in Early Twentieth-Century Utah: A Love Story Between Lewis Gillilan and Ellen Benson, Greer E. H. Garver
Reimagining Gettysburg: Enhancing Walkability and Bikeability in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Gabriella Germano, Elif Ozturan, and Jeanne-Marie Thomas
How Did the Deer Cross the Road? Reducing Habitat Fragmentation and Wildlife-Vehicle Collision Deaths through Connective Conservation in the South Mountain Region, Pennsylvania, Jack B. Joiner, Emily R. Kreider, Thomas H. Manning, and Madison E. Rowell
"Is There Any Possibility That They Might Have Remained Alive?": The George Barlaz Papers and the Search for Family After the Holocaust, Jacob Kahn-Samuelson
Interstate Conflict Initiation and The Age of International Leaders, Katelyn L. LaPlaunt
Digital Frontiers in Aesthetics: Applying Dewey's Insights to Generative AI, Malcolm F. Lathrop-Allen
Lost Headlines: Exploring LGBT+ History in Central Pennsylvania, Katherine E. Lauriello
The Colorado Wolf Reintroduction Portrayal in News Media, Megan K. McArthur and Monica V. Ogra
Ethel Bird: A College Woman's Life and Legacy from 1901 to 1905, Bryn A. Morris
Little Island, Leah R. Nath
Behind the Ballot: An Exploration of West African Election Policy, Ndeye F. Ndiaye
The Changing Nature of Work and Its Effects on Employee Well-being, Lauren O'Connell
Life and Death on Chambersburg Street During 1955: Dr. Chester Crist as a Central Adams County Figure, Abby Smith and Sarah Daniels
“The Times They Are a-Changin”: A Look into Protest Music’s Evolution Throughout the 1950s-1970s, Heather V. Stokes
Art and Propaganda :The Formation of Habsburg Absolutism, Emily B. Suter
Bringing Back Stories: Indigenous Peoples and Gettysburg College, Juliana L. Swanson
Music by Agnes Tyrrell, Agnes Tyrrell, Riley R. Dunbar, and Jocelyn Swigger
"You Say You Want a Revolution?": Gettysburg College Students and the Turbulent 1960s, Madeleine G. Ulman
A Latter-day Disease: Mormons and Cholera in the Nineteenth Century, Alexandra L. Wein
CUB Plastic Shipping Bag Recycling Program, Samuel M. Arkin and Ethan J. Bruemmer
The Management of Curriculum, Brandon A. Banda
Sports Marketing and Branding among Gen Z and Their Digital Associations, Jordan C. Basso
Is it Time for Four? An Analysis of the Four-Day Workweek, Emma T. Bernstein
The Troubles on the Brink of Recurrence: Northern Ireland in a Post-Brexit World, Emma K. Bohner
A Country Torn Asunder: Deliberations Over the Fate of Post-WWII Germany, Ziv R. Y. Carmi
Battling History: A Discussion of How Controlling Images and the Matrix of Domination Causes Recreations of Oppression Affecting Black Female Athletes in Gymnastics Today, Nicole T. Cesanek
Gendered STEM Beliefs and Major Choice, Nicole T. Cesanek and Benjamin J. Durham
The Personality and Psychology of Chen Zi-Ang, a Fiery, Noble Warrior and Martyr (陳子昂烈士之人格心理), Xiao-Yu Chen
The Future of Banking: Consumer Protection and Contagion Risks of Cryptocurrency, Anthony Choi
The Global North and Global South in Political Dilemma: Postmaterialist Effects of Age on Government Trust, Anthony Choi
The Carbon Footprint of Tourist Transportation in Gettysburg National Military Park, Charlie T. Cross and Justin P. Sawina
More Care and Less Pay: The Phenomenon of Low Wages Among Care Occupations, Allison B. Dayton
Making Schools Smarter, Lucy R. Dean
Philosophy of Science: An Exploration through Geological Case Studies, Jamie W. Dinella
Who Tells Your Story? Microhistory and Historical Biography, Stellarose B. Emery
Song of the South: The Silence of a Song, Magdalena E. Fernald
The Barriers to Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management, Maddy L. Filetti
The Five Factor Model of Personality and HR Employees’ Perceptions of AI Adoption, Maddy L. Filetti
The Vain Explorer & Death: An Analysis of Ecclesiastes' Philosophy, Quinn M. Gillies
The Turmoil the Quail Hath Wrought, Emily C. Howe
An In-Depth Look into Inflation in Argentina and the United States: A Qualitative Study, Sebastian J. Ippolito
Navigating Car Attitudes: An Analysis of Transportation Habits, Environmental Views, and Demographics, Caroline J. Jordan, Sydney E. Lucero, and Anna L. Imrie
Economic Method: The Science in Trade, Arthur I. Keegan
Serpentine Symbology: Representations of Snakes in Art, Hagen E. Krebs
"Are You Experienced'? The Life, Music, and Legacy of Jimi Hendrix, Samuel K. Lavine
“The Same Service as Our Soldiers”: Metropolitan-Colonial Military Discourse in New France, 1754-60, James E. Lemons
Blood Cries Out From the Ground: The Einsatzgruppen and the Holocaust in Ukraine, Lauren R. Letizia
“In the Spirit of a Millennial Inheritance:” The Nazi Ambition to Regenerate German Civilization through the Visual Arts, Marco J. Lloyd
Redefining the Agency of Jewish Communities Through Ghetto Humor, Addison E. Lomax
Analyzing the Ramifications of Climate Change on Mental Health, Salvatore A. Medori
Carbon Sequestration Capacities of Different Land Cover Types and Climate Change, Nicole L. Melnick, Annabel Gorman, and Adam F. Warren
Why Industry Professionals Should Care About Fandom, Abigail Minzer
Sports Data Science Job Requirements, Cam E. Morse
Media Exploitation of Black Athletes: Challenges, Consequences, and Empowerment, Spencer K. Myler
Clean Water Saves Lives: Improving Clean Water Access in Yeakpee Town, Liberia, Mishael F. Ohanwadi
Regime Type, Censorship, and Trust in Government With a Special Look at China, Avery K. O'Neill
A Delicate Balance: Pennsylvania College in the Pennsylvania Borderlands, 1832-1860, Vivek K. Rallabandi
"Life Unworthy of Life" Aktion T4: The First Nazi Genocide, Alexander M. Remington
Inequality of Air Quality?: A Study of Air Quality within Housing Price Brackets in Gettysburg, PA, Jess G. Schaefer, Alexis J. Jones, and Arden H. Dowd
Nazi Education in Vienna: The Solidification of Antisemitism and German Nationalism in the Classroom, Abigail J. Seiple
Roadway Characteristics and Car Accident Trends in Gettysburg, PA, Max Smith, Jake H. Kennell, and Russell H. Canova
Juicemania: Interpreting Jay Kordich’s Health Empire as Religion, Deirdre M. Sullivan
One Man’s Trash: Duke Riley’s Archive and the Social Construction of Garbage, Deirdre M. Sullivan
Individual-Level Responses to Rapid Climate Change in Common Terns (Sterna hirundo) and Arctic Terns (Sterna paradisaea), Kaiulani A. Sund
The Effect of Power Shifts on War, Jeffrey D. Torrieri
Adornment and Artisanal Artistry: Renaissance Necklace Jewelry, Dalila E. Weismantle
Felines of the Global Renaissance: Fierce or Friendly?, Annie Witham
Junior Analyst Burnout, McCain P. Wnek
Mental Illness and the Spanish Inquisition: A Tale of Uncertainty and Suspicion, Alessandro M. Zuccaroli
The Effects of Climate Change in Guam, Olga M. Zyzanska, Brooke R. Ashfield, and Kate E. Eulberg
Logging Impacts on Aquatic Ecosystem Quality in Michaux State Forest, Pennsylvania, Sara Baran, Timothy J. Bell, and Erick R. Seager
Sea Level Rise and Public Perceptions of Climate Change at Otter Point Creek Estuarine Reserve, MD, Haley A. Bechtel, Meghan L. Junis, and Keylen Lucero Garcia
Framing of Latinx Vote Choice and Voter Registration, Laurel E. Bennett
Occurrence and Ecosystem Effects of Hiking Off-Trail in Michaux State Forest, Diana Biesecker, Quinn Doherty, and Kevin S. Ganjon
(Hu)Mankind, Lillian Cadet, Stefany A. Kaminski, Noelle Muni, Finn O'Connor, Bridget A. Shea, George Raymond, Joseph M. Maguschak, Olivia G. Plaushin, Phoebe M. Doscher, and Garrett J. Adams
Streaming media available
Denmark and Sweden: The Collision Between Welfare State Politics and Immigration, Amy Elizabeth Cantrell
Political Trust: Nature or Nurture, Kahlan R. Canty
Monster Theory and the Book of Enoch: Angels and Giants as Chaos and Identity, Jordan C. Cerone
"Rhapsody of Agonizing Contemplations on an Autumn Night" and "The Torment of Lady Daffodil"(〈秋夕怨思賦〉與〈水仙怨〉), Xiao-Yu Chen
Implications of Youth Education on Intrastate Conflict: The Relevance of Postmaterialism, Anthony (Sungho) Choi
Integrating Objectification and Social Role Theories: A Proposed Framework for Analyzing Media Objectification of Female Athletes, Isabella Clemens
Freedom Within Convention: A Cooperative Analysis of the Zhuangzi and A Thousand Plateaus, Giacomo Coppola
The Relationship Between State Capacity and Internal Armed Conflict, Rodrigo L. Cotto-Abreu
The Asian Five Dragons: What’s the Relationship of Confucianism and Gender Inequality?, Danny S. Craddock
Thatcherism's Triumph: How Margaret Thatcher’s Neoliberal Policies Brought Prosperity to Britain, Carl J. DeMarco Jr.
After All: A Senior Capstone Recital, Laura C. Duffy
Streaming media available