An Attempt to Reshape Capitalism’s Image, Ross A. Nichols
Japan as a Clean Energy Leader, Stefan N. Norbom
Local Perceptions of Population Growth: The Causes and Effects of Local and National Population Changes on the People of Kenya, Taylor D. Osborne
Air-Stable, Nitrile-Ligated (Cyclopentadienone)iron Dicarbonyl Compounds as Transfer Reduction and Oxidation Catalysts, Taylor N. Plank, Jessica L. Drake, Daniel K. Kim, and Timothy W. Funk
Willem Blaeu's 'Asia noviter delineata': Expressions of Power through Naval Might and Natural Knowledge in Dutch Mapmaking, Joshua W. Poorman
Creating Transformation Through Art The Role Of Community Arts in a Transitioning Society Ballymun, Dublin and Belfast Northern Ireland, Katherine D. Power
Auctioned, Sophia K. Reid
Camels In North America: The Effects of Islam & Globalism on U.S. State Law, Connor H. Richardson
The Coverings of an Empire: An Examination of Ottoman Headgear from 1500 to 1829, Connor H. Richardson
First Step Toward Freedom: Women in Contraband Camps In and Around the District of Columbia During the Civil War, Lauren H. Roedner
Traditional Wild Protein Collection Techniques of the Naso People: On The Verge of Change, Caldwell J. Rohrbach
Between Bath and Heaven, Gregory E. Scheiber
The Effect of Medetomidine on the Burying Speed of Corbicula fluminea, Andrew K. Schmucker
The Duality of Unca's Identity: The Use of the Idol in Colonial and Religious Subjugation, Cheryl E. Tevlin
Regimes and Resilience in the Modern Global Food System, Sara W. Tower
Visualizing War, Alexandra C. Ward, Natalie S. Sherif, Andrew W. Egbert, and Peter S. Carmichael
The Long Road: An Analysis of the 1557 Book of Mirrors by Seydi Ali Reis, Julian N. Weiss
A Comparison of Qualitative and Quantitative Ecological Assessment Methods of Mangroves in Southwestern Madagascar, Sondra E. Winders
Gettysburg College Sustainability Proposal, Joseph W. Boone, Andrea Carson, Sarah F. Hecklau, Erik J. Hughes, Catherine A. Leech, Taylor J. McGrath, Nicole L. Moody, Christian I. Neumann, Mary K. Ranii, John D. Ryder, Megan Sherman, Sara W. Tower, and Sarah Weinstein
By the Pricking of My Thumbs, Something Wicked This Way Comes: Omani Perceptions of the Supernatural, Jennifer L. Borger
Encontrando la Comida Saludable: Identifying Food Access Barriers for the Adams County, Pennsylvania Latino Community, Gwendolyn D. Brown and Olivia A. Haddad
Art+Politics, Shannon Egan, Jenna L. Birkenshock, Hillary B. Goodall, Tessa M. Sheridan, Josiah B. Adlon, Megan E. Hilands, Emily A. Francisco, Molly E. Reynolds, Shelby P. Glass, Colleen L. Parrish, and Francesca S. DeBiaso
“It’s Just Not That Simple:” Territory and Politics at Girdwood Park, Kyra Fallon
Attempting to Close the Food Gap: An Evaluation of the 2011 Fair Share Program in Gettysburg, PA, Lisa M. Martin
Tourism Studies: Haw Par Villa Theme Park, Joseph W. Miller
Strange Bedfellows and Their Grandchildren: German Literature as Evidence and Confession of Reunification, Cory H. Rosenberg
Social Memory and Landscape: A Cross-Cultural Examination, Joshua L. Stewart
Fugue in A Minor, Ryan A. Stones
Healing South Africa: The Institute for Healing of Memories as a Lens for Post-Conflict Trauma Initiatives, Rachael C. Ward
Out of Conflict Comes Creation: A New Era for Contemporary Music in Belfast, Martha M. Slenker
Closing the Food Gap in Adams County: A Proposal for Comprehensive Solutions through Community Action, Vickie Corbett, Rayna Cooper, Kim Davidson, Kathy Gaskin, Kathy Glahn, Aimee S. George, Audrey Hess, Gretchen Natter, Christine Nemetz, Megan Shreve, and Sara W. Tower
“It’s A Ripple Effect”: Global Mamas in a Developing Ghana, Mara K. Dold
Mellow Monday and Furious Friday: The Approach-Related Link Between Anger and Time Representation, David J. Hauser, Margaret S. Carter, and Brian P. Meier
Using GIS to Quantify Patterns of Glacial Erosion on Northwest Iceland: Implications for Independent Ice Sheets, Sarah M. Principato and Jeremiah S. Johnson
I Am a Shirt, Gregory Williams
Species Diversity in the Soft-Bottom Intertidal Zone: Biogenic Structure, Sediment, and Macrofauna Across Mussel Bed Spatial Scales, John A. Commito, Serena Como, Benjamin M. Grupe, and Wendy Dow Piniak
An Evaluation of an Object-Oriented Paradigm for Land Use/Land Cover Classification, Rutherford V. Platt and Lauren M. Rapoza
Post-Fire Demography of a Dry Eucalypt Forest in the Midlands, Tasmania: A Pilot Study, Christine M. Urbanowicz
Gett Down with Your FUNKY Shelf, Patricia A. Veasey and Edward A. Fosse
Hierarchical Spatial Structure in Soft-Bottom Mussel Beds, John A. Commito, Wendy Dow Piniak, and Benjamin M. Grupe
Fractal Characterization of Mytilus edulis L. Spatial Structure in Intertidal Landscapes Using GIS Methods, Thomas W. Crawford, John A. Commito, and Ann M. Borowik
Mussels Matter: Postlarval Dispersal Dynamics Altered by a Spatially Complex Ecosystem Engineer, John A. Commito, Emily A. Celano, Holly J. Celico, Serena Como, and Craig P. Johnson
Structural Complexity in Mussel Beds: the Fractal Geometry of Surface Topography, John A. Commito and Brian R. Rusignuolo